CERTIPASS is the Certification Body that issues the International EIPASS programme (European Informatics Passport).
It certifies the ICT skills to give everyone an equal opportunity to access the Digital Culture (the correct approach to new technologies and the Internet) developing the - Competence (ability to know how to use these resources with awareness and critical spirit) indispensable support for the social, professional and economic growth of all citizens of the 21st century on a global level.
CERTIPASS operates nationally and internationally through partnerships with companies, public and private training bodies, Institutions, Universities and schools of all levels.
Download brochureThe sectoral Committee of accreditations, certifications and inspections (CSA CI) of Accredia, the Institute of Italian certifications, has deliberated the accreditation on 13/12/2018, in the scheme of PRS, for the Professional “User qualified for the computer in accordance with the scheme EIPASS 7 Modules Standard and following the European e-Competence Framework CWA 16624-1, 2, 3”.
The European directives constitute the standard to which all the Institutes refer to draft their programme; CERTIPASS obtains the programme more common, EIPASS 7 Modules by 2 sources: the e-Competence Framework for ICT User (e-CF) e the Digital Competence Framework for ICT User (DigComp).
The e- CF is published by CEN, the Institute of standardisation of the European Community (https://www.cen.eu/Pages/default.aspx); to realize this standard has been produced to the permanent workshop in which CERTIPASS participates actively with the representors of the several European member state.
The general objective of the two standards, overlaying their contents, is the same: to provide a reference point, and a common language in order to describe the digital competencies for the resume, and be understandable by the citizens, institutes and employers.
In the last edition of the curriculum Europass has been inserted a chart on the previous model which referred to the languages competencies and provides a tool used to indicate clearly and with objectivity the level of the digital competencies owned. EIPASS is the most suitable title for this purpose.
Accreditations MIUR for the training of school staff in accordance with the directive n. 170/16.
In its communications on 21/07/2017 the Minister of Education of the University and Research has approved the request of accreditation n. 787, formalized by CERTIPASS on 19/09/2016.
By this date, the training course certified by EIPASS is reserved to the teachers of the school on every level and grade and recognised by the Italian Minister.
CERTIPASS is a member of the European committee that drafted and updated the Digital Competencies Framework for Citizens (DigComp). On the basis of DigComp, we create all our EIPASS certification paths.
“Repubblica Digitale” is the national strategic initiative promoted by the Department for digital transformation of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers with the aim of tackling the cultural digital gap of the Italian population.
In order to support the utmost digital inclusion and support the education of the technologies of the future, accompanying the country’s digital transformation process.
CERTIPASS is part of the Coalition for digital skills organized by the Agency for Digital Italy to transfer and disseminate, also in Italy, the principles and purposes of the "Grand coalition for Digital Jobs".
CERTIPASS is registered in the Transparency Register of the European Commission, with the aim of "influencing the legislative and policy making process of European institutions" with ID 682619142453-64.