European Informatics Passport

+39 06 8635 8950

Certipass logo

CERTIPASS, is the provider of EIPASS (European Informatics Passport), the international programme that certifies the users' ICT competencies. It establishes, implements, maintains and continuously improves a quality management system, including the necessary processes and their interactions, in compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 and UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17024.


Via Lazio, 1
70029 Santeramo in Colle (BA) Italy
Piazza Mattei, 10
00186 Roma (RM) Italy
+39 06 8635 8950

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Ethical code

Codice etico


Cooperation, legality, protection of the person and the environment, honesty, confidentiality and transparency: these are all principles on which we align our organization and our daily activities.

In line with the provisions of Legislative Decree 231/2001, we have prepared and disseminated our Code of Ethics to share these values with people, partners, public institutions and anyone else involved in our work.

We ask them to observe the Code of Ethics to protect and preserve the respectability and image of all those who enter our world and share with us the desire to do well, in harmony and in the interest of all.

For this reason, the violation of the above-mentioned rules can cause the loss of the relationship of trust that we consider essential to carry on any collaboration, both internal and external. Compliance with the Code of Ethics is to be considered an essential part of the contractual obligations, pursuant to art. 2104 of the Civil Code.