European Informatics Passport

+39 06 8635 8950

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CERTIPASS, is the provider of EIPASS (European Informatics Passport), the international programme that certifies the users' ICT competencies. It establishes, implements, maintains and continuously improves a quality management system, including the necessary processes and their interactions, in compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 and UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17024.


Via Lazio, 1
70029 Santeramo in Colle (BA) Italy
Piazza Mattei, 10
00186 Roma (RM) Italy
+39 06 8635 8950

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Values and mission

Valori e mission


Like the great industrial revolutions of past centuries, also the introduction of digital technology in our daily lives has produced epochal changes.

Personal computers, mobile phones and the Internet, beyond the boundaries of research, have given rise to unprecedented forms of communication and social interaction, with a consequent cultural delay which must be acknowledged.

Prompt action must be taken in schools and universities where the structure of our society is defined. With the centrality placed on educational and training processes, technological innovation is undoubtedly a strategic factor of change in social and economic systems, which if not supported by a systemic vision, can only prove to be a wasted opportunity.

Technological innovation unfolds its potential only if the educational system, in synergy with the world of work and professions, is able to welcome it. On these assumptions we base our mission, because we are firmly convinced that innovation is culture before technological evolution. Nowadays, digital competence is equivalent, in importance, to know how to read and write.

It was indicated in the Recommendation of the European Parliament and the Council as one of the 8 competencies for lifelong learning. It is essential for personal development, for becoming active citizens and for social inclusion.

The EIPASS international certification programme for digital competencies, is the tool that allows users to objectively acquire and certify IT skills that can be spendable in schools, Universities and professional environments.